Outcome for the Board Meeting held on Wednesday, February 05, 2025Outcome for the Board Meeting held on Thursday, November 07, 2024Outcome for the Board Meeting held on Thursday, November 07, 2024Transcript of the 48th Annual General Meeting: Jagran Prakashan Ltd.Outcome for the Board Meeting held on Saturday, August 10, 2024Outcome for the Board Meeting held on Tuesday, May 28, 2024Outcome for the Board Meeting held on Saturday, February 10, 2024Outcome for the Board Meeting held on Monday, October 30, 2023Outcome for the Board Meeting held on Monday, August 14, 2023Outcome for the Board Meeting held on Tuesday, 30th May, 2023Outcome for the Board Meeting held on Thursday, February 02, 2023Outcome for the Board Meeting held on Tuesday, January 17, 2023Outcome for the Board Meeting held on Friday, November 4, 2022Outcome of the 46th Annual General Meeting of the Company on Monday, August 29, 2022Outcome for the Board Meeting held on Saturday, August 6, 2022Outcome for the Board Meeting held on Monday, May 30, 2022Intimation under Regulation 57(4) and Regulation 60(2) of SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirement) Regulation, 2015Intimation under Regulation 57(4) and Regulation 60(2) of SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirement) Regulation, 2015Update in Registrar and Share Transfer AgentOutcome for the Board Meeting held on Tuesday, February 8, 2022Disclosure under regulation 30 of SEBI (LODR) regulations, 2015Outcome for the Board Meeting held on Monday, October 25, 2021Transcript of the 45th Annual General Meeting:Jagran Prakashan Ltd.Outcome of the 45th Annual General Meeting of the Company on Friday, September 24, 2021Outcome for the Board Meeting held on Friday, August 13, 2021Outcome for the Board Meeting held on Friday, May 28, 2021Undertaking under Regulation 57(2) that documents & intimations submitted to Debenture trusteeCompliance under Regulation 57(1) Certificate of Interest payment in case of NCDCompliance under Regulation 57(1) Certificate of Interest payment in case of NCDCompliances-Half Yearly Report (SEBI Circular No. CIR/IMD/DF-1/67/2017)Compliances-Half Yearly Report (SEBI Circular No. CIR/IMD/DF-1/67/2017)Intimation under Regulation 60(2) and Regulation 50(1) of SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirement) Regulation, 2015-Record Date IntimationIntimation under Regulation 60(2) and Regulation 50(1) of SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirement) Regulation, 2015-Record Date IntimationOutcome for the Board Meeting held on Tuesday, 2nd March, 2021Outcome for the Board Meeting held on Monday, February 08, 2021Transcript of the 44th Annual General MeetingOutcome for the Board Meeting held on Tuesday, November 03, 2020Outcome of the 44th Annual General Meeting of the Company on Wednesday, September 23, 2020.Outcome for the Board Meeting held on Friday, July 31, 2020Outcome for the Board Meeting held on Wednesday, May 29, 2020Outcome for the Board Meeting held on Thursday, 30th January, 2020Update in Registrar and Share Transfer AgentOutcome for the Board Meeting held on Monday, 9th December, 2019Outcome for the Board Meeting held on Wednesday, 13th November, 2019Outcome of the 43rd Annual General Meeting of the Company on Friday, 27th September, 2019Outcome for the Board Meeting held on Wednesday, 31st July, 2019Outcome for the Board Meeting held on Wednesday, 29th May, 2019Postal Ballot NoticePostal Ballot FormOutcome for the Board Meeting held on Friday, 1st February, 2019Outcome for the Board Meeting held on Thursday, 3rd January, 2019Update in Registrar and Share Transfer AgentDisclosure under Regulation 30 of SEBI (LODR) regulations, 2015- Re-appointment of Whole Time Director of the CompanyOutcome for the Board Meeting held on Wednesday, 31st October, 2018Disclosure under regulation 30 of SEBI (LODR) regulations, 2015Outcome of the 42nd Annual General Meeting of the Company on Monday, 24th September, 2018Disclosure under regulation 30 of SEBI (LODR) regulations, 2015Outcome for the Board Meeting held on Tuesday, 31st July, 2018Intimation of record date for Buyback of Equity SharesOutcome for the Board Meeting held on Friday, 25th May, 2018Postal Ballot and E-Voting NoticePostal Ballot FormOutcome for the Board Meeting held on Friday, 27th April, 2018Outcome for the Board Meeting held on Tuesday, 30th January, 2018Disclosure regarding disposal of Non-Operating Immaterial Subsidiary Company, Naidunia Media Limited (NML)Certificate for the Payment of interest and Principal of Debentures- Series II Disclosure regarding disposal of Non-Operating Immaterial Subsidiary Company Outcome for the Board Meeting held on Thursday, 9th November, 2017. Disclosure pursuant to regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements), Regulations 2015 - 04-10-2017Disclosure pursuant to regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements), Regulations 2015 - 23-08-2017Disclosure pursuant to regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements), Regulations 2015 - 04-08-2017Outcome of the 41st Annual General Meeting of the Company held on Thursday, 28th September 2017Outcome for the Board Meeting held on Tuesday, 8th August, 2017 Outcome of Board Meeting held on May 29, 2017Approval of MBL ProspectusPRICE BAND OF IPO OF MUSIC BROADCAST LIMITEDAPPROVAL OF RHP OF MUSIC BROADCAST LIMITEDComplaints Report - Suvi Info-Management (Indore) Private LimitedComplaints ReportHigh Court Order - Jagran Prakashan LimitedHigh Court Order - Shri Puran Multimedia LimitedHigh Court Order - Spectrum Broadcast Holdings Private LimitedHigh Court Order - Music Broadcast Limited.High Court Order - Crystal sound & Music Private LimitedNotice of E-voting published in newspapers - HindiNotice of E-voting published in newspapers - EnglishAGM NoticeNewspaper Ad. for Standalone Unaudited Financial results for quarter ended June 30,2016.Newspaper notice of the board meeting to be held on 9 August, 2016.Postal Ballot and E-voting ResultsIntimation of Schedule of Analyst / Institutional Investor meetings under the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements), Regulations 2015Result of the Meeting of Public Shareholders conducted through Postal Ballot and E-votingOutcome of Board Meeting held on May 30, 2016 regarding re-appointment of CMD, CEO, Whole-time DirectorsOut come Buy Back 2016NSE - Approval letter under 24 (f) for the Scheme of Arrangement between Jagran Prakashan Limited (Amalgamated Company) and Crystal Sound & Music Private Limited (Transferor Company 1) and Spectrum Broadcast Holdings Private Limited (Transferor Company 2) and Shri Puran Multimedia Limited (Demerged Company) and Music Broadcast Limited (Resulting Company) and their respective shareholders and creditors.BSE - Approval letter under 24 (f) for the Scheme of Arrangement between Jagran Prakashan Limited (Amalgamated Company) and Crystal Sound & Music Private Limited (Transferor Company 1) and Spectrum Broadcast Holdings Private Limited (Transferor Company 2) and Shri Puran Multimedia Limited (Demerged Company) and Music Broadcast Limited (Resulting Company) and their respective shareholders and creditors.Additional Documents in Reference to 24(F)-BSENotice of the Board Meeting to be held on Frida, 29 January, 2016Contact Details of key Managerial Personnel pursuant to Regulation 30(5) of the SEBI(Listing Obligations & Disclosure Requirements) Regulations,2015Complaint report under Clause 24(f) of listing agreement Scheme of Arrangement between Jagran Prakashan Limited and Crystal Sound & Music Private Limited and Spectrum Broadcast Holdings Private Limited and Shri Puran Multimedia Limited and Music Broadcast Limited and their respective shareholders and creditorsCertificate for payment of interest on debenturesCertificate for payment of interest on debentures on maturityNewspaper notices for Suvi mergerClause 24 (f) compliance of listing agreement for the proposed Scheme of Arrangement between Jagran Prakashan Limited (Amalgamated Company) and Crystal Sound & Music Private Limited (Transferor Company 1) and Spectrum Broadcast Holdings Private Limited (Transferor Company 2) and Shri Puran Multimedia Limited (Demerged Company) and Music Broadcast Limited (Resulting Company) and their respective shareholders and creditors ( “Scheme of Arrangement”).BSE - Observation Letter regarding the Draft Scheme of Arrangement Involving amalgamation of Suvi Info-Management (Indore) Private Limited with the Company.NSE - Observation Letter for draft Scheme of Amalgamation between Suvi Info-Management (Indore) Private Limited (SUVI) (“Transferor Company”) and Jagran Prakashan Limited (JPL) (“Transferee Company”) and their respective shareholders and creditors.Outcome of 39th Annual General Body Meeting 2015Combined Scrutinizer Report 2015Complaint report under Clause 24(f) of listing agreementClause 24 (f) compliance of listing agreement for JPL and SUVI scheme of amalgamation.Scrutinizers Report CombinedVoting through Electronic MeansPostal Ballot ResultsThe disclosure under Regulation 10(5) of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 2011 made by Jagran Media Network Investment Private Limited dated 16th June, 2015Working of Cost Split between shares of jagran Prakashan Limited (JPL) issued to shareholders of Midday Multimedia Limited (MML) and shares of MML held by themFormat for furnishing the details of employee benefit schemes involving dealings in secondary market, not covered under SEBI (ESOS and ESPS) Guidelines 1999High Court Order - Scheme of Arrangement